We guaranteed 50% of your capital monthly with friendly & very low risk management.
System divide the profits into 2 by 12 midnight everyday, you will get 50% and I will get 50% as well… that’s 50:50 sharing ratio, which means for instance if you start with $10,000 now, everyday you will be getting $200 profits on your account which is 2% of your capital, and by 12-midnight system will divide the $200 profit into 2 with 50:50 sharing ratio; You will have $100 profit for that day and the remain $100 will be credited to my account respectively.
To learn how to open your own forex account with litefinance, how to deposit and how to copy my trade..
Your Capital is Secured and Protected by Our decent and friendly money management principles, No chance of losing profit or capital in our trading strategy.
Kindly click here to register a trading account with Litefinance if you have not registered before
Click here to copy my trade after you have successfully registered and funded your account with Litefinance
Contact ADMIN on Telegram @OperaniyiFx for further directives.
Note: You will be entitled to some special offers & free gifts by registering your account through my registration link.
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